Chapter 11 Overview

Chapter 11 Overview
At the Law Offices of Benjamin “Skip” Martin we work with businesses or individuals who may need to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Chapter 11 reorganizes a debtor’s business affairs and assets to help companies or individuals restructure their debts. If your business is struggling with unpaid debt or is facing lawsuits or seizure of assets, contact our office to find out if filing for bankruptcy is right for your situation. Skip has worked with sole proprietorships, large corporations, and every other business type in between. Contact our office to restructure, reduce, or eliminate secured and unsecured debt. His goal is to help you keep your business and give you a fresh start and to protect your income and assets which may be lost due to too much debt. Contact us at any of our offices in Sarasota, Bradenton or Port Charlotte for bankruptcy assistance and to start recovering from your debt as soon as possible.